About therapy

Shimon Schwab

Shimon Schwab

Adult and Couples Psychotherapist

We all experience emotional difficulties in life, and sometimes these can leave us feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious or angry. Often, we do not even understand why we feel this way, and this can leave us feeling confused as well. Sometimes, we can also find ourselves reacting to things in our lives in ways that we know are unhelpful, but that we somehow find impossible to stop.

It is important to remember, though, that the way in which we each respond to our unique life circumstances is not random. There is a meaning for each one of us in the way we deal with events in our own lives, and we will feel best when we can understand the individual message that lies beneath our suffering.

Psychotherapy offers a safe, confidential space in which we can explore our feelings, and try to understand how and why they have come about. You will have the opportunity to talk and think freely about any area of your life that you would like to reflect upon, secure in the knowledge that you will be listened to, and taken seriously. We will think together about the things that you choose to bring to our sessions, and use our shared understanding to look at how you might best lead a more enriched and fulfilling life.

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